Below are the current events and programs offered by the MRC.


Fall Mentoring Retreat 2020_3

Apply to Our Mentoring Program

We are accepting applications for our 2025 mentoring cohort! Apply to be a mentor or mentee starting summer of 2025. Our mentorship relationships are encouraged to meet once a month for two to three years.




Four young men hiking with a mountain in the background(1)

Ministry Renewal Mini-Grants

The Ministry Resource Center is pleased to announce the opportunity for ministry renewal mini-grants of up to $2500. The purpose of a mini-grant is to support the flourishing of ministers who are in their first five years of ministry and provide another way for them to connect with each other and find renewal.

Young group hanging out in a cafe. A young man sips his coffee drink in front right corner

Discipleship that Fits Workshop

Drew Thurman, minister of a micro church network, and the MRC will lead an interactive workshop to help leaders create discipleship models and better metrics to fit specific church contexts.


Date: Feb 10, 2025, 2 – 5:30 pm


Location: Grandview Christian Church, Johnson City, TN

Ministry fellows 2022

Ministry Fellows Program

All full-time, residential, second-year or higher seminary students are welcome to apply. Returning students are also welcome to apply. Each awarded fellow will have the opportunity to receive up to $10,000 for a 9- month fellowship that runs the 2025-2026 academic year. Click here to learn more and apply today!