Highland Church of Christ is a contemporary church in a rural area with a track record of growth and outreach to the surrounding communities and the world. Highland is an independent, instrumental Christian church of 600+ located in the southeastern Illinois city of Robinson, and is searching for a minister to lead our worship and worship technology areas.
We’re looking for someone with a passion for leading the congregation to worship, the ability to create environments to help them connect with God in a significant way, and the skills to utilize appropriate technology to accomplish both. We’re searching for a leader who relates to both artists and non-artists and can recruit, equip, develop, and deploy other leaders who share that passion for effective worship.
This level of leadership requires an above-reproach lifestyle and a complete commitment to God’s Word, full buy-in to Highland’s Mission and Core Values, as well as our Belief and Teaching statement (see the Highland website for these documents). Also important to us are a college degree in an appropriate discipline and experience in planning and leading worship in a medium to large-size church. The position description goes into more detail on responsibilities.
To help you create an effective worship ministry and environment, you’ll be part of an elder-protected, staff-led leadership model that encourages innovation and smart risk-taking. You’ll also have the support and partnership of an experienced staff team. In addition, the auditorium is modern and offers programming flexibility with an array of first-rate technology.
Compensation is competitive (50 – 60K) plus a retirement contribution and insurance package. Each staff member has a budget for conferences and education, as well as the freedom to spend time attending in person or online. This is not counted as vacation time.
We also encourage each staff member to take two Sundays per year to visit other churches, observe and learn.
In addition, Highland has an in-house counselor who is available to staff for conversations and help.
If you’re interested in joining our team, check out the job description and other documents at hccrobinson.com/employment and submit your resume and letter of interest to Mike McElyea at mike@hccrobinson.com.