Date posted Oct 10, 2022
Deadline Nov 28, 2022

Revolution Community Church is a twelve year old church entering a new and exciting season, as we search for a Next Generation Minister. Revolution is a church committed to reaching the unchurched.

Everything we do points to this mission. It’s the filter through which every idea, program, group, team, and value first runs through. We want to help people find Jesus and live like Him more than anything. We believe life with Jesus is better than anything this world has to offer, and we know that we’re called to do this together; that we’re Better Together. We create environments where those who do not know Jesus feel welcomed and comfortable. We believe you can “belong before you believe”. Every week we come together to Celebrate Jesus, Connect with others, and Contribute to the church, community, and beyond.

Celebrate is all about our relationship with Jesus. We acknowledge Him as the one, true, and living God, encourage each other in how He is writing His story on our lives, and give Him honor for it all. We sing together, we share our stories, and we hear the truth of His word from the Bible. We encourage those who aren’t already following Jesus to begin that journey.

Connect is about our relationship with others. We gather in life groups to encourage one another, share one another’s burdens, and learn and grow together. We form relationships with those who do not follow Jesus in order to share the truth of God with them. We invite others to join us in our journey of following Jesus.

Contribute is about making an impact on our church, community, and beyond. We practice audacious generosity with our finances, give of our time and talents to impact others with the good news of Jesus, and make a priority of other people above ourselves. We believe the global church should be known as the most generous people on the planet, and we strive to live open handed with what God has entrusted to us. We help others along in their journey of following Jesus.

With the hire of a new lead pastor this year the staff is being reshaped and this is a great time to join our team! Revolution believes it is essential to have fun as a staff. Staff will spend timing hanging out, going out to lunch and spend time outside the office with each other. For each staff member there is also a budget line for personal growth and spiritual development.

Email us or send us your resume to learn more about joining our team.