Date posted Jul 15, 2024
Deadline Oct 11, 2024


  • Model and promote Biblical values and principles, in a manner consistent with core principles of Independent Christian/Restoration Movement Churches
  • Guide the youth ministry leaders and teams in promoting a ministry based on Biblical principles
  • Communicate God’s Word with clarity, compassion, boldness, and passion
  • Actively participate in elder and deacon meetings, providing input and counsel in matters relating to youth ministry and other aspects of the overall ministry efforts of the church


  • Lead and equip God’s young people in becoming Disciples and Kingdom Workers who are intentional about sharing Christ’s love and His story with people as a habit of life
  • Provide overall vision, direction and development for youth ministries through discipleship/small group and evangelistic outreach ministries
  • Actively participate in school functions, direct student outreach on campus (Middle, High School) in the community, and missionary outreach activities

Ministry/Leadership Development

  • Encourage and equip those committed to youth ministry to become more effective servants and shepherds/mentors to developing and growing Christ-followers
  • Provide oversight of youth ministry team leaders, including youth ministry interns and part-time volunteer or paid youth director
  • Integrate youth program with adult ministry program in coordination with Sr. Minister, children’s ministry coordinator and ministry team leaders
  • Develop more inter-generational experiences for youth and adults
  • Attend classes and workshops for professional growth

Pastoral Care

  • Develop an effective member-minister pastoral care team among the youth and their families
  • Build relationships with youth and parents where they are, i.e. sporting events, school/community projects, church events, concerts, conferences etc.
  • Actively engage in outreach and relationship-building with students, staff, and faculty of community schools
  • Actively participate in pastoral and evangelistic calls in cooperation/coordination with the Senior Minister, elders, and deacons

Administration and Staff Matters

  • Work closely with, and under the day-to-day supervision of, the senior minister to develop a well-coordinated team approach to youth ministry within the overall framework of the congregation’s purpose and mission
  • Effectively organize and provide general direction for the Youth ministry leaders, coordinators, and staff (interns, part-time ministry directors, etc.)
  • Guide in developing policies and procedures that impact youth ministry
  • Coordinate the use of facilities for youth events, activities and meetings with ministry staff and church office

Full Job Description

Solsberry Christian Church Ministry Profile