About Us
The Table is a Christ-centered gathering launched by addicts for anyone who is struggling with any type of life-controlling problem. So many of us just want a place to be known and loved. A place where we have a voice, where we matter… at The Table we value intimacy and love doing life together. At The Table, we hold each other accountable and we help each other often. Ours is a community where broken people find healing. The kingdom of God begins where the broken are healed, where the sinner is forgiven, where the blind can see. The kingdom begins at The Table.
Read more about Zach Holt's story
Building a Table for Those Who Need It
The Table meets at
The Boys & Girls Club of Bristol
Sundays at 5:30pm
The Boys & Girls Club of Bristol
Sundays at 5:30pm
Get to know us text

Our values
- Discipleship
- Prayer Based
- Spiritual Formation