About Us
Boones Creek Christian Church is a church with a rich history, founded in 1825, yet is still vibrant, growing, and alive with ministry today. The church is committed to missions, giving large portions of the General Fund offerings to local, regional, and international missions each year. Within the last 18 month the church has transitioned through a long-term Senior Minister retirement and has remained healthy, strong, and growing. Boones Creek is a 1200 member church. Over the years the church has become known as a good supporter for the community, helping the citizens, welcoming the community into its doors, and being a light for the Gospel. The church is located in a beautiful natural setting with steady job opportunities due to universities, health care, and other growing employment fields. The church has grown numerically and spiritually over the last several years in spite of the challenges presented with COVID and the retirement of the previous Senior Minister. The church is healthy and shares great love for each other, its leaders, and the community.
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Our values
- Mission Minded
- Welcoming / Hospitable
- Evangelistic