Date posted Feb 22, 2024
Deadline Mar 31, 2024

The duties of the Senior Minister would be to preach Biblically based and doctrinally sound sermons on a weekly basis, to serve as an Elder, to officiate weddings and funerals of church members, to fill in for Sunday School teachers as needed, to counsel members as requested, to facilitate staff meetings on a weekly basis, and to oversee the general office activities. The position comes with a competitive full time salary and insurance package. Children of the Lead Minister have free tuition if you would choose to enroll them in Minerva Area Christian School.

If you are interested in learning more about this position, please feel free to reach out to the church with any questions that you may have. If you would like to formally apply please email a resume, cover letter, a philosophy of ministry statement, any links to sermons that you may have, and detailed answers to the questionnaire below to the Eldership of Minerva FCC at the following email addresses listed below:

Dave Bush, Chairman of the Elders:
Bruce Doppelheuer:
Zach Long, Associate/Youth Minister:
Nate Oberly:

1. What are the steps of salvation?
2. What are your beliefs on baptism?
3. What is your view on free will?
4. Can a person lose their salvation?

First Christian Church of Minerva, OH Ministry Profile
Zach Long

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