Discipleship That Fits:
Expanding models for measuring growth in every church context
Date: Feb 10, 2 – 5 :30 pm
Agape Meal (optional) to follow at 6pm.
Location: Grandview Christian Church, Buffalo Campus, Johnson City, TN
Drew Thurman, minister of a micro church network in the Greater Boston area, and Beth Jarvis, director of Milligan’s Ministry Resource Center, will lead an interactive workshop on Feb 10, from 2 to 5:30 pm. In this workshop, ministers and church leaders will evaluate and imagine discipleship models and better metrics to fit specific church contexts. This event is hosted by Grandview Christian Church in partnership with the Ministry Resource Center.
This event is free and open to all local ministers, church leaders, and students. We encourage churches to send at least two leaders together for this workshop. Suggested donation of $10 per person on the day of the workshop.
Register today!
Minister’s Breakfast Registration